While I was working on exercise 3 I also worked on the next exercise. This one involved working with paints, water and bleach which all require a drying time before I could scan them and post them here.
Here are some of the results. Not all of them are equally succesful.
This one is done on a piece of my own handmade paper using a bottlecap (right) and bubble wrap (left) as stamp:
For this picture I used a tile composed of tiny pebbles, placed this under my sketchbook and did a rubbing with an oil pastel stick (right). At the left I used the same technique with bubble wrap (this one was not very succesful - bubble wrap give better results if you use them for stamping). Next step was to cover the paper with diluted paint. The oil pastel works as a resist for the paint. I like the irregular effect of the pebbles rubbing.

This sheet of paper has different try outs on it. Top right corner is (again) the stamping with the bottle cap. I had expected more texture showing when I did this stamping on the hand made paper, but there was not much difference. Bottom right is another oil pastel rubbing. This time over a woven metal basket. The two center pieces both have punchinella (sequin waste) as template. For the top one I used a Shiva paintstik (nice clear result), for the bottom one I used a brush and paint (more vague depending on how much paint was on the brush). The sample at the left is a pencil rubbing over a stamp. Using pencil I managed to get a soft almost airy effect.
This one is one of my favorites. It is build up using several techniques. First oil pastel stick was used, next layer was diluted water color paint. When this was dry I crumbled the paper, smoothed it again and added oil pastel. Because of the crumbling the oil pastel did not reach every part of the paper, a bit like a crackle effect).
For this sample I started again with an oil pastel covered with water color paint. The green and gold (Lumiere textile paint) was added on top of this. Final step was using a stamp with bleach. As you see some the Lumiere was not effected by the bleach, but the water color was.
For the next two samples I used printer paper. I sprayed the paper with water and applied diluted water color paint on it. Held the paper at an angle so that the paint could drip. For some other project I had printed on them and I really like the effect the partly visible characters give to the final result. For the first picture this was all I did.
For the next picture I took it a step further. I applied thick bleach over it and left it there for some 10-15 minutes before I rinsed the bleach of. As you can see, the bleach removed most of the water color paint. I love this paper!
The next 2 pictures are the front and the back of the same (heavy sketchbook) paper. Again the paper was wet before I applied the water color paint on it. This time only a very dark green. Lifted it a bit so that the paint covered the whole sheet of paper and let it dry. On this paper I applied bleach as well and spread this out with a brush. Let it soak for about 15 minutes. I had expected much more color change at the front. What you see at the front is mainly a change to blue.
But if you look at the back, you see a break down of more different colors. I had hoped I would see the break down to yellow too at the front. Maybe I should have kept the bleach on the paper for a longer time? I like the result of this piece of paper so I am not going to do it with this particular piece, but I think I will do it again with another piece, cut it into pieces and apply bleach for different lenghts of time on it.

This picture is a combination of 3 different pieces of paper. Top right one is a sample of textured wall paper. I colored this with diluted paint and let it dry before I rubbed it with an oil pastel. The pastel colored only the higher surfaces of the wall paper. Top right is a piece of tissue paper with the same bottle cap printing. The result on the top of the tissue paper is the same as on regular sketchbook paper. However as the paper is thin, the stamping is partly visible on the back of the paper which can be interesting to use. The sample on the left is made from toilet paper. I wetted this paper and placed it (several layers thick) on top of a rubbing plate and let it dry there. Next step was to color it with diluted paint, again let it dry before I rubbed it with a Shiva paint stik. Same as with the wall paper only the higher surfaces got some paint stik on them.